Category Personal

HEY! WHERE DID MY MONEY GO?: December 2012

So in case you missed it, the Spotify Premium account that I’d been tricked into getting (curse you, 30-day free trials!) was cancelled a few months ago because a man from Canada stole my debit card and tried to buy $500 worth of groceries, and so I had to cancel my card. Which thus ended […]

10 Albums I Loved The Shit Out Of In 2012

Given my love for really bad rap and shameless pop songs, I make no claims that the albums I enjoyed the most this year were “the best of 2012.” For that, you’ll have to go to SPIN, NPR, and Get Bent. Instead, here are 10 albums that I loved the shit out of this year. They’re […]

Rock & Roll High School: Semester Wrap-Up

I may have, at some point, mentioned that this blog exists because it stemmed from an assignment in one of my classes. Our mission was to a) set up a blog that answered a question and b) develop a personal learning network around that question. I decided to look into the relationship between artists and […]

Resume, Shred-sume

So anyway, supposedly, I’m going to be a grown-up soon. I hear that part of being a grown-up is having a nice resume, so this is a post to let you know that I’ve put my resume on my blog under the “about” section. No big deal, but I also embedded a series of papers […]


November was a sad month when it came to music purchases. Really, the only time that I bought albums was Black Friday and even that was limited by the fact that my parents live in Arkansas, where there are no record stores. The fact that I got some money for my birthday was also counteracted […]


This edition of HEY! WHERE’D MY MONEY GO? is subtitled HEY! WHERE DID OCTOBER GO? Apparently, if you leave for two weeks in the middle of the month, it seems much shorter to you than to anyone else. All sudden it’s 50 degrees, there are leaves everywhere, and I’m about to vote for the first […]

Infinite ♡ Without Fulfillment (Intro Post)

Well, here we are. An obligatory introductory post. Being the pro internet stalker that I am, I have seen many an obligatory introductory post in my day and they are always my least favorite post. No one seems to know what to do with it. Should they jump into the heavy stuff right away? Should […]